Dr. McKee has maintained a private practice in Downers Grove, Illinois, since 1984 and has experience
treating a wide variety of cases with a focus on predictable restorative dentistry. He is a member of the
American Academy of Restorative Dentistry and former president of the American Equilibration Society.
He has lectured both nationally and internationally for more than 25 years, directs several study clubs
and serves as an instructor in Spear’s Demystifying Occlusion seminar.
Dr. McKee graduated from the University of Notre Dame 1980 and earned his dental degree from the University of Illinois College of Dentistry in 1984.
In this 👁 EYE OPENING episode I learnt a LOT of new things from Dr. McKee.
Here’s what you can listen in this podcast:
- Which joint, do you think we injure 1st in our lives?
- I had the privilege to interview Dr. Jim McKee
- In which cases are TMJ problems seen more often?
- What are he primary causes of TMJ issues?
- How to diagnose TMJ problems?
- How to classify patients from low to high risk wrt TMJ issue.
- What is the hierarchy of diagnostic tool usage to come to a definite diagnosis?
- What is the normal ramus length for a particular age / gender/ ethnicity ?
- What are the things we can evaluate in a CBCT & why is it such a valuable tool along with an MRI?
- At what position should we take the CBCT in? Condyles seated on the socket or outside ?
- How disc displacement affects the airway ? A vicious circle.
- CLICKING/ POPPING – its meaning & consequences.
- A list of cases in which we must take clicking seriously and not just as a sign.
Listen to the full episode FREE
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In PART 2 of TMJ disorders and airway management, I learnt a LOT of new things from Dr. McKee.

Here’s what you can listen in this podcast episode:
- Intervention for TMJ disorders
- How ANATOMY helps us reach the accurate treatment option
- Tooth level treatment
- Bite appliances / Splints/ Drugs like NSIADS or Muscle relaxants ?
- Equilibration when and how ?
- Joint level / Tissue level intervention
- Disk replacement with abdominal fat !
- Augment the condyle with a rib ?
- Complete joint replacement
- Condylar position during the treatment of TMJ disorders in relation to management of air way.