Episode 2 – Season 2 of the 32 minute podcast – Pediatric dentistry

In this episode of the 32 minute podcast I got an opportunity to interview
Dr. Ashwin Jawdekar, mentor for pedodontics. We speak about how to make the process of administering anesthesia more comfortable for the child & the dentist.
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This is the second part of the series on Local Anesthesia in pediatric dentistry
In this episode we discuss about:
Flashback of episode – Local Anesthesia in pediatric dentistry.
00:03:13 Have you faced an issue like, you are delivering a nerve block but the child moves? How to over come this tricky situation?
00:06:30 Difference between pediatric & adult technique of Inferior Alveolar Nerve block.
00:08:20 Got blood during Aspiration in a pediatric patient !!! What next ?
00: 09:30 LA in different cases like swellin VS periapical infection VS no swelling
00:10:30 Articane! Articane! Articane !
00:12:00 SAFE DOSES!!
00:14:00 Aapke LA Mei Adrenalin hai kya? 🙂
00:14:45 Buccal only or buccal & palatal and what’s better for intra pulpal ?
00: 16: 00 EXTRME VITAL – Safeguarding the child from Lip/ tongue/ cheek bite after local anesthesia
00:18:18 Recent advances in delivering local anesthetics
00:22:00 VITAL – Managing & informing parents/ guardian about our treatment process.
00:25:00 Sleeves to cover our syringes to mask their appearance
00:28:00 Conclusion