A note to all dentists & students
Especially Postgraduate students in #Pediatrics
Local #Anesthetics in Pediatric Dentistry with Dr. Ashwin Jawdekar
is now available on Apple | Google podcast
Spotify | Gaana | Stitcher
Part 1 release date November 1 2020
Part 2 release date November 8 2020
In the part 1 episode we discuss about:
- What will you answer if the pediatric patient asks you, whether you are going to INJECT or not?
- Are you able to relate to this situation in which your child patient looks at you / your hands inquisitively before you carry any instrument inside their mouth? How to manage it?
- Insulin syringes & role of 30 gauge
- Cotton buds to deliver topical LA
- Some kids hate the taste of topical LA. How do we prevent this situation
- LA temperature & its effects
- Role of sleeves
- T-S-D technique or T-DS-D technique!
- Critical situation – what to do AFTER you deliver LA?